How to Have More Self Confidence

How to Have More Self Confidence

The other day, someone replied to one of my Sensi Bikinis instagram stories saying "that girl needs to do more squats"...

I have a strong sense of self, and I happen to love my butt. And even so, these words were hurtful.

I can't imagine how it would feel if I were already ashamed of how my butt looked. 

It really made me think about the power of words and opened up an interesting question on the matter of how much we value "perfect" bodies. 

One of my friends said it best: "what strikes me is that it echoes a belief that is alive in our society that the way our bodies look is somehow of greater value than how they work."

I already judge myself, daily. I don't need to feel anyone else's judgment as well. and my body allows me to do SO much-I want to celebrate her on the regular!

Over the years, I've slowly built up my body confidence. 
But still those pesky words, whether my own or someone else's, can easily spiral me into judgements, and feeling bad about myself.

Body confidence and self love is so important to build up so that we can go through life unfazed by the haters, feeling strong and confident and empowered. And also feel great, no matter what we wear, including swimwear!

Loving ourselves and feeling confident in our bodies leads to a better life. When we feel good about ourselves, we are happier and we attract other happy people and happy things to us.  

It's crucial to work on. 

Over the years, I've gotten more confident and I feel better about myself. I take care of my body and, most of the time, I feel good. It's a process but I've learned a lot along the way.  

And in the face of someone else saying that they don't like how I look, I can stand stronger and more empowered and say "I love myself and my booty included". 

Because I think this work is so important, I want to share what I've learned. 

Please find my pdf guide for 6 steps to more body confidence below. 

And if you think this could be useful for a friend, please forward and share. I'd love to spread what's helped me feel good enough to not let the haters affect me. 

Cheers to feeling great about ourselves in 2020!

X Sensi

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