How I Design a Swimwear Collection

 A collection comes together after months and months of hard-work. I'm excited to walk you through our process for bringing 2022 to life! 

For me, designing a collection is all about refining. I start with a general idea of what I want to create and then I refine, refine, refine--playing with colors and body styles and prints. 

This year, we'll be releasing one mini collection every month from January through May. We like to break up our production costs and it keeps everything fresh. In February, we'll be dropping our Flower Power Collection!

First in the design process:: mood boards! I love a good mood board and pulling inspiration from things I love, prints I find and interesting-looking things helps bring a visual to where we want the collection to go. 

Eventually a theme starts to emerge. But the design process is legitimately a PROCESS. It takes time. It's not something that can be rushed and I am constantly refining until I've narrowed down my print and color choices. 

Next we start to pull colors we like. Pulling fabric swatches is just the beginning of the design process. We start with a whole book of available colors (we utilize all recycled solid colors) and pull the colors that we're loving.

 Throughout the year, I make notes on what's missing from the line, what new pieces I'm loving and what would be a good addition to our website. I make sketches, mock up patterns and then we begin the sampling process. After we've chosen prints and colors, we begin making mock-ups on the computer. 



Finally, after we've developed our prints for the year and narrowed down what body styles we want to carry forward and which new body styles we like enough to keep, we mock up every single suit that we want to make. This happens before we pull the trigger on sewing so that we can make sure we like the combination of print and body style enough before wasting time and money sewing it up.

From there, we make final adjustments, cull the line even more and finally come up with a selection of goodies that we think you'll love! High-performing, great-quality, well-fitting, awesome-looking suits to help you live your best damn life. Can we get a heck yes?!

Interested in seeing the final result?

Our next collection launches February 8th! Sign up for texts to get first access. 

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